Mobile Education

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Español: Catedral de Calahorra (La Rioja). Sorpresa escultórica en la portada de San Jerónimo. English: Cathedral of Calahorra (La Rioja). Surprise sculpture on the cover of San Jeronimo. Photo by: Zarateman

The aim of this project is to gather relevant resources & identify useful activities associated with mobile education that will help guide school leaders in utilising mobile technologies for educational programs.

A distinction is made here between learning and education. While both terms share much in common, education typically implies the delivery of (organizational perspective) or access to (individual perspective) formally developed and accredited courses, ultimately for formal recognition and qualification. Learning, on the other hand, truly takes place anywhere and at any time. The methods and issues that affect learning do of course inform this project and therefore the considerations of people working in formal education spaces, such as school/college or university students, teachers or administrators.


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  1. Terminology
  2. Case Studies
  3. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
  4. Issues
  5. Policies

See Also

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Further Inquiry

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