Survey research and design in psychology/Tutorials

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Tutorial topics

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Week Tutorial Title Key content
01, 02
Using SPSS and APA style
03, 04
Non-parametric and Product-moment
05, 06
Factor analysis and reliability analysis
09, 10
Assumptions and steps
Open lab space to work on report

About tutorials

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  1. There are 4 x 2 hour tutorials - check your timetable, to see which tutorial you are enrolled in.
  2. If you can't make your scheduled tutorial time, then try coming to another time, but there is no guarantee of a seat/computer.
  3. During tutorials, you can use either a UC desktop computer in the lab or bring your own laptop with SPSS installed and an internet connection (e.g., through UC wifi).
  4. Come along to drop-in tutorials and/or lab report workshop if you want extra help. You can also come along to a repeat tutorial.
  5. If you miss any tutorial exercises, then view the screencasts or virtual tutorial recording and attempt the exercises on your own.

See also

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